Apex Legends Pre-K Camp #265

Apex Legends: Life at the Top of the Food Chain
Get ready to discover the world's most fearsome creatures! In this exciting class, we'll learn about the animals that rule the wild and have no natural predators of their own. We'll explore the features and behaviors of apex predators, from mighty lions and tigers to stealthy sharks and crocodiles. We'll learn about their unique adaptations, such as sharp teeth and claws, powerful jaws, and keen senses, that make them such successful hunters. Through interactive activities, games, and crafts, we'll learn about the importance of apex predators in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Please dress for the weather and wear closed toe shoes. This is a child-only class.

Age: 4 -5 yrs., who have not yet started Kindergarten (Students who will begin Kindergarten in fall 2023)

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